Life on Furlough

August 5, 2020

We all know that the worlds been upside down for the last 6 month and for some of us, which includes me, it has meant that going to work has been put on hold. Being on Furlough during lockdown has been interesting, to say the least. I've definitely had my fair share of productive and unproductive days, thankfully the productive days outweigh 'my sit on the couch and do nothing days'. Originally, I was just going to write a blog about my experience but I thought I'd flex my video making muscles and try something different.

One thing I've taken away from this period is that being on furlough is not a reflection of your skills or who you are as a person. We’re living in some crazy times at the moment and it’s the first time most of us are dealing with something like this so be kind to yourself take time to figure your next steps if there any and take each day as it comes.

Whether it's doubling down on business ideas like the Social Media Agency I run with Adella or working onside projects, like building this site or starting a Youtube, I've found something to do the keep most of my days busy. So much so, I decided to document what a typical day looks like for me in the form of a Youtube video (subscribe :D).

I’m not sure what the immediate future will hold for me but I’m both anxious & excited and overall I’m enjoying the process of learning about myself. I’m fortunate enough to be young ,agile and have a good support system.


I'm a creative digital marketer living London. I'm into all things tech, digital and creative.


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I'm a creative digital marketer living London. I'm into all things tech, digital and creative.
